Thursday, June 20, 2024

What I'm Listening To [June 2024] 🎵

    I won't lie, I've felt creatively stifled lately. Racking my brain trying to think about what to write can be hard at times. Then I was listening to music and the obvious hit me. Now, people can be really particular about their music (unless you're one of those psychopaths that hate it.) I've collected quite a large library. Most of these suggestions will be music that's undiscovered or underground, because I believe that we should be giving our most support to smaller artists. On top of that, it's usually better in quality depending on who we're talking about. Maybe even quality can be ruled out sometimes, because often I'll listen to an artist or a band because I can tell their heart is in it. Whatever the reason, here are the top things I've been listening to this month. Hopefully, you find something you like!

1) Jeff Rosenstock - "Hey Allison!"

    Born in Long Island, this musician has been making punk and indie rock since 1995. The band is named after the lead singer himself, Jeffrey Rosenstock. Jeff found himself going through ska and punk groups and producing for other underground bands. There's something insanely wholesome about the guy, and nothing overproduced about his group's music. If you like raw, punky vocals I would definitely suggest them. "Hey Allison!" is probably my favorite track off their album "We Cool?" Jeff laments over his long time friendship moving on without him. 

"Hey Allison

The city's a total disaster without you around"

    Something about the vocals reminds me of punk Japanese bands, even though their sound is probably more inspired by bands like Social Distortion or Weezer or Black Flag. What really caught my eye about them is their pandemic indoor performance that was published live in 2020 on YouTube at the Garden, for which I was actually there in the live chat to witness. The bassist I think had COVID and had to be green screened into the show, which is just genius and hilarious. Seriously, give them a listen.

2) Wolf Alice - "Don't Delete the Kisses"

    Wolf Alice is single handedly keeping 90s grunge alive, or at least they were for a long time. When I was in high school during my Tumblr days, this was a really popular band to listen to for kids who didn't vibe with mainstream pop or rock. However, they didn't have as much of a staple in America as they did the U.K. where they hail from, but even a small town southern girl like me was fascinated by them. To be honest, rock n roll is best done by the Brits anyhow. I was really into the Smashing Pumpkins and SlowDive in high school because 90s nostalgia was on the rage, but Wolf Alice actually gave me something fresh to listen to. I mean, do I even need to explain how talented Ellie Rowsell is? Listen to those vocals.

3) Grimes - Symphonia IX (My Wait Is U)

    Grimes has become quite a controversial figure in the underground music community, mostly due to her relation to ex-baby daddy Elon Musk (because nobody likes ego-centric billionaires anymore.) I still maintain that Grimes' Visions is one of the best albums ever made. It was so good in fact, that I went out and bought a crappy used 40 dollar MIDI keyboard from Sam Ash and began making my own. One day, I will write about her genius producing and the lore surrounding her life because it's just that fascinating to me. Regardless of whatever people say about her, I'll always listen. If you're into artsy, avant-garde sounding music Grimes is a good choice for you. 

"To make the pain defuse the flame can be trying
But I would say yes, I would say yes"

4) TokyoPill - DESTROY the Wired

    This artist is relatively known in TikTok circles, taking inspiration from early 2000s Adult Swim promos, Japanese music/culture and DNB. Not much is known about this artist, but I find myself intensely inspired by him. I only know that he's produced for big name rappers like Playboi Carti. I was taken as soon as I heard it and was instantly transported to my childhood. I can't even explain how dynamic and interesting I find his work, and I wish he'd release more stuff. His songs are super lyric-driven which makes great music for the train or bus when you just want to zone out for a while. Anything by TokyoPill can be found on YouTube, SoundCloud or Spotify. 

    Those are some of my suggestions for the month. I will try to do this each month to bring in new music for you. Hopefully you find something inspiring! 🌸

1 comment:

  1. My bad, I meant to say, "AREN'T" super lyric-driven.
