Tuesday, August 15, 2023

U.F.O.s: What is going on?

Image made with AI

Unshivered - Bestial Mouths


    As I work on future blog posts for subjects that need more time to research, I wanted to indulge in a hot topic: aliens. I know what you're thinking, that this is some unhinged conspiracy, but it's not. This is all merely hypothetical backed by research I did myself. What would happen if aliens did exist? It seems everyday more former government agents are coming forward about this. Some conspiracy theorists say it's a distraction, others are adamant that it's a secret that the government can't contain any longer. I'm just thinking about what we're going to do as people to combat climate change, and if they could maybe help stop that? Most people have that mindset I think. Nobody is shocked or cares anymore. So many events have transpired since people started asking that question that it's no longer interesting. There are aliens, so what, the general consensus seems to be. Are they gonna help pay my rent? My guess is no, so unless they're trying to help with that I don't have time for it. Besides, everyone knows the government keeps secrets. Look no further than who we've kicked out of the country for whistleblowing.

    But there's an alternative theory that I found interesting; the older generations are dying off. New blood has come to replace it, and they're probably asking themselves why some of this stuff is even top secret. Boy would I have liked to have been a fly on the wall for that conversation. If you're unaware, decisions like these cause certain higher ups to feel more comfortable opening up about what's really going on. If they think there are less consequences for doing so, they will. After what happened to Snowden, I don't doubt that people are becoming braver even if he's hiding out in a different country. What a mess that guy got himself into. People will say he did it to help the U.S. but there's also a part of me that thinks he wanted to make someone angry and just happened to do something heroic along the way. Whatever the case may be, we live in a post-trust society when it comes to our government. There's nothing that would shock the public anymore. Politics have become unpredictable and circus-like, thanks to our former president. You could say we're jaded, and we're probably not the only country that feels that sentiment.

    I also think people's concept of the alien would differ greatly from reality. We're not simply talking about a species that advanced technologically, we're also talking about one that is emotionally and morally superior. Intelligence isn't just measured on how advanced we can create tech, and I think that's the part some people miss. Anger and aggression are signs of lesser intelligent beings. Apes can respond aggressively and I wouldn't say they're dumb exactly, but compared to a human's capability we are far beyond them. They don't have the capability to comprehend our world and although they are able to communicate needs, questions like "why?" remain unasked.

    Therefore, there must be concepts that alien civilizations understand that we don't. Questions and answers that we have yet to ask or discover. They figured out how to space travel, that's enough evidence on its own to conclude that. That's a milestone we've yet to hit.

    There's so many questions we ask when we talk about otherworldly beings. Are we talking about full on communicating beings, microbes in soil, inter-dimensional spirits with no physical bodies? Are we talking about a race that would overtake us or help us? My logic goes like this: in order for a race to move forward they must move together, something that as humans we haven't achieved. There's no way that advanced beings don't know this. Their sense of empathy would be stronger, more refined. What I'm trying to say is that humans are too primitive. Perhaps these beings have the capability of seeing things like the 4th dimension. I can't personally imagine my brain having an easy time processing that.

    I once went on a website for people who believed in aliens, just out of my own curiosity. I wanted to see what they had to say, with many of them claiming to be abducted. I tried not to ask that first, because I didn't want them to think I was making fun of them or something. You have to establish trust sometimes with these kind of people, they're very skeptical. I did my best to get to know them and after a while the subject came up. 

    The first story I was told was a guy and his wife who claimed to have seen them. He said their brains couldn't fully comprehend the beings that visited them, so they more or less appeared as outlines or shadows. It was hard to explain. One of the beings reached out and touched them on the shoulder, and he said he immediately started crying because it was such a beautiful feeling. Whether or not that was actually true or drug-induced is up for debate obviously, but I was fascinated by his dedication to his interest in discovering alien life. Other than that, he was a completely normal dude who talked about everyday things. I never forgot that story though. Sometimes I watch footage of alien conventions just to see the type of people who like to talk about it, he might've been among them because everybody on the site kept anonymous. Most of that kind of thing is dismissed because once you start bringing up names like Reptilians and Pleiadians people understandably tune out. 

    Even as skeptical as I am, I've begun questioning myself due to the number of officials that have come forward to spill the beans on U.F.O.s lately. Most of the major news networks don't seem to be covering it, as the stories seem to get around more independent sources. This may be deliberate, as leaking information slowly seems to be effective at not freaking everyone out. Reddit has gone absolutely mad with the story, and you're more likely to find information there than anywhere else. I will agree that the timing seems deliberate, though I don't know what the purpose of leaking information like that would be. Just 3 months ago a UFO video shown to congress in grainy black and white film was posted on /r/damnthatsinteresting. There's even a reddit user that deciphered what the navy transmissions meant. Several users who were in the navy claim to have seen weird things in the sky on the regular as a result of this post.

    Then I found a website called the 5 observables, which has posted every single UFO sighting that was acknowledged by the government to be unidentified. This does not mean that they are alien, but it's interesting nonetheless. All the footage is organized into what the UFO in each video is capable of. Have a look at it yourself if you're curious, because they've all been confirmed as real.

    Retired intelligence agent David Grusch admitted that the government created crafts that were capable of sonic speeds, but that they were only able to do so by reverse engineering crafts that were left abandoned. How these crafts were abandoned is a mystery, and you get the sense that he's holding back a lot of what he really wants to say. My only question is, how does a species master space travel but crash onto our planet? That seems a little silly doesn't it? My guess is, if this is the truth he's not telling all of it. I'm convinced they acquired that another way, a way that maybe he can't say and so it's easier to say it "crashed" instead. Once again, we have more questions than answers.

    Comparing a species that mastered intergalactic travel with a species that still fights each other is like comparing the wheel to the iPad, to put it in layman's terms. Imagine if you showed a caveman a car, they would probably mistake it for a giant animal. Are we ready to make contact with beings that have seen more than our human brains can even comprehend? Our understanding of them could also be a realization rather than a discovery, like they've been here all along and our human brains refused to see it up until recently. Or nobody cared enough until now. I think if we were to say anything it would be, "this ship is going down, S.O.S! S.O.S!"

    Anyway, it's something to wonder that doesn't pertain to how bad in the world things have gotten, and maybe that was the plan all along. If that's the case, at least this came out of it:

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